Seats Remaining: 2
$4504-WAY BELLY CAMP hosted by Don Graves and Beth Bryan! This 1-day camp, aimed at improving your success while jumping with others, will focus on foundational Formation Skydiving (FS) skills. This is an introductory camp to things like 4-way, 8-way, and even larger belly formations (big ways). The camp will consist of 4 jumps. Students will learn basic skills like: group exits, eye contact, moving and stopping, grip taking, sight pictures, and flying in place. The total cost for the 4 jumps is $450 (based on anticipated $55 jump prices). This is not a DZ subsidized camp so Donnie and Beth’s coaching is free. They have experience in training and competing in 4-way / 8-way Nationally and Internationally and have been coached by some of the best FS coaches in the world. .
Participants only cover their own and the coach’s jumps.
There will only be 2 slots for this camp!